What is inner peace exactly? Perhaps more importantly, how can you achieve it? Inner peace means to some people balance, equanimity, even-mindedness, harmony, and stability In this article, we’ll break down what inner peace is. Finding inner peace does not depend on a problem-free life or the absence of conflict because we all go through challenges in our lives. Inner peace is not a state of passivity, and would certainly not make life dull. On the contrary, it will make you more conscious, alive, and happy. It would help you live life more fully.
Find Inner Peace in Our Life
With Inner Peace within you, you can remain calm and joyful at all times, regardless of outside circumstances, or what life offers you at any given moment. When you remove all the unnecessary stuff from your mind, you become more alive. The negative and meaningless thoughts would be gone, and you begin to see everything more clearly like you never did before. It is like taking away a curtain that distorted your vision. When you empty it of meaningless and restless thoughts, fears and worries, what remains is a peaceful space.
This is called Inner peace. People around the world agree that inner peace is fundamental to living a good life. Finding your peace of mind results in fewer worries, anxieties, stressors, and fears. Inner peace is linked to achieving self-actualization. Below are the benefits of finding that state of balance in your life:
- A good night's sleep
- Better everyday function in handling your day-to-day affairs
- Increased energy levels and improved emotional management
- Less drama, fewer worries, less stress, and positive thoughts
- A kind and compassionate treatment of other people
- Not being easily affected by society’s negative comments
- The ability to learn how to deal with difficult emotions
The key to inner peace lies in acceptance. When we accept ourselves and others as they’re, we can stop fighting reality and start enjoying life as it’s. This doesn’t mean we’ve to give up trying to improve ourselves or help others improve; it just means we shouldn’t expect immediate results or blame ourselves when things don’t go according to plan.
Definition of Inner Peace
The definition of peace of mind varies from person to person, but generally, it is an attitude of acceptance toward life. Some religious traditions and philosophies from around the world all recognize that inner peace is central to living a good life. Inner peace is a choice. It’s one you can make right now or when you are emotionally ready. It is a mind free from any emotional or mental fears and worries. Having peace of mind means you’re not dependent on anyone or anything to find happiness. It means that you take responsibility for your happiness, and you’re pursuing the things that bring joy and fulfillment into your day.
Inner peace refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of stress. Inner Peace is thus generally associated with bliss, happiness, and contentment. Here is more definition of Inner peace:
- Inner peace means that there is no overthinking and too much analyzing of every situation.
- It is a state of psychological or spiritual calm despite the potential presence of stressors.
- Being always peaceful refers to a deliberate state of peace and happiness and contentment in everyday life.
- It means no running from one thought to another, constantly ruminating about some past incident, no constant dwelling on hurts and what people said or did.
- Inner peace means tranquility, poise, serenity, and quietness.
- Inner peace is a choice. It’s one you can make right now or when you are emotionally ready.
Ways to Achieve Inner Peace
Inner peace does not have a one-size-fits-all definition. You need to have a open mind before you can have inner peace. You have to be willing to break old habits. Finding inner peace is challenging with our busy schedule, hectic lifestyle, and everyday stressors, but it’s completely possible. Here are some helpful tips to find inner peace:
Be Grateful
Finding your peace and taking care of your well-being means being grateful for what you have, and not complaining about what you lack in life. When you appreciate what you have, you’ll find more peace. It has been found that individuals with grateful hearts and the ones contented with their life’s blessings find peace and happiness within.
Laughing is the best medicine, as it works for basically anything. Laughter boosts immunity, lowers stress hormones, decreases pain, relaxes your muscles, prevents heart disease, adds joy and zest to life, eases anxiety and tension, relieves stress, improves mood, strengthens resilience, strengthens relationships, promotes group bonding, and helps defuse conflict.
Toxic People
The people you surround yourself with affect the way you think, feel, and behave. Engaging with people who lie, gossip, bully, or cheat takes a toll on your well-being.
Mentally strong people don't waste their energy trying to change toxic people. They establish healthy emotional and physical boundaries.
Practice Self Love
By practicing self-love, you’d be integrating inner peace within your life. You can actively practice this by doing things that make you happy and lift your spirit. If your passion includes writing and reading books, then you can do these activities in your free time. Doing something you’re passionate about is ultimately the best way to gain inner peace. One of the main reasons for inner peace is conflict and lack of passion. If you invest in yourself and take care of yourself properly, then you have more room for inner peace in your life. When you have a healthy relationship with yourself and practice self-care, you also project this positive energy toward others.
Take a break from social media
One of the biggest causes that disrupt inner peace today is social media. Social media can cause a fear of not living our best lives when comparing ourselves to friends or famous people’s stories and posts. This alone will disrupt your inner peace. Social media is making us addicted to our screens, by causing our bodies to release dopamine each time we post or get a notification from an app. Every once in awhile, it’s best to take a break from your social media platforms. Doing this helps you gain control of reality and peace of mind.
Accept things as they are
Your past mistakes aren’t a reflection of you but of a past you, who didn’t know any better. If you need to find inner peace within yourself, forgiveness is a good starting point. A victim mentality won’t serve you. You’ll need to rise above and accept that people will make mistakes in life everyone will.
You need to be a resilient person who can overcome the chaos in the world around you. All you can control are your actions, everything else you’ll need to learn to accept.
Speak Your Mind
Don’t be afraid to say what you’re thinking. This goes hand in hand with being assertive. Speaking your mind relieves stress. Ask for what you want in life. If you don’t ask, you don’t get it. This tip is easier said than done. After all, not everyone can speak their mind, especially when other people are around. So start small, maybe this involves telling your partner where you want to eat for dinner or what movie you want to watch. The more you speak your mind the easier it will become.
Affirmations are positive statements that help you deal with negative feelings, thoughts, and situations. Research shows that positive thinking can rewire your brain, changing the way you feel about things. Talk to yourself positively by using affirmations can help focus the mind on calming and peaceful vibrations that's promote inner peace. Example positive thinking affirmations:
- I accept myself for who I am.
- I am building my future.
- I choose to think positively.
- My happiness is up to me.
- I start with a positive mindset.
- Anything is possible.